Friday, October 23, 2009

It's Fall, already?

My blogging is wayyy over due. I can't believe it's almost November! So much has happend over the last several months. This summer was short and busy. I was involved in several activities with the kids like music class, gymnastics, Nature and Science Museums, etc. We had a great time overall. Dylan was on a softball team with some old teammates through the end of the summer and had a great time playing.

In the beginning of fall, my great aunt Pat passed away. She was like a mom to my Dad. We were so close to her and her husband Uncle Eddie baby (passed away a couple of years ago). Me, my mom, and sisters all loaded up and drove to Tennessee for the funeral and family time. It was one of the best weekends of my life. We loved our Ninnie, my Dad's mom (passed away roughly 19 years ago) , and we got to spend the whole weekend hearing stories from her sisters. There are still two alive, Aunt Wilma and Aunt Margaret. When we saw Margaret we cried so hard. She looks just like our Ninnie. It was incredible to hear the history of our family and to see their old stomping grounds. I am fascinated by history and how people lived 100 years ago! Life was simple then, that's for sure.

Dylan and I have talked a lot about our future lately. We both want to finish our degrees, it has just taken us longer than we thought. I want to teach and Dylan has talked about Medical School! We talked, prayed, talked, prayed and are pursuing it! He has researched schools in Texas and reads anything he can find pertaining to M.S. I have been reading "Med School Wives blogs" just to get some insight on what to expect from a husband in M.S./residency, timing for children, etc. I love them! Dylan and I sat down and we watched our first cadaver video from UofM. I didn't think I would be able to see it, as I have passed out from the sight of blood, but I did!! It wasn't bloody and didn't even look like a body. Weird! I am really excited for him and believe in him!! He is so smart and intelligent, I know he'll be a great Doctor! He has an interest in Orthopedic Surgery! We'll see as he makes his way through it!

I have laundry to fold before I leave work...must get it done. I will update more soon! Hugs!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The little things in life...

As you know, I am a nanny. I absolutely LOVE my job. There are two kids that I have the pleasure of loving, ages 3 (Harper) and 18 months (Liam). I have worked with this awesome family since Liam was born! I have witnessed him grow, learn, explore, take risks, and so on. It is the most rewarding job. I love hearing Harper repeat things that I say "give me five 'cause your alive!" (sounds more like alyyyyive- very southern), "shoo fly go away, you're not welcome here today", "Ohhh Ami (my nickname) you're soo sweet", "I'm a sweetie girl!" etc. I could go ON and ON. You know kids say the cutest things. Did I mention she is THREE? Barely three. This family has blessed me more than I could have ever imagined. I am SO grateful. The mom, Debra, and I have a wonderful relationship that was built before I worked for them which is always the best. Tonight I am working...I was sitting on the couch with Liam and Harper and realized it was bedtime for Liam. I leaned over and said, "Liiiiammmm, it'sssss bedddddtimmmmmeee..." Usually kids are not ready for bed, well he was! He perked up and had the biggest smile on his little, precious face! Makes me smile thinking about it. I then mentioned that we were about to get his 1)blanket 2)bear 3)bear 4) sheep and get him cuddled into bed. He was SOO excited and ready! He sleeps with two bears, with one arm around each of them and their noses snuggled into his neck, the sheep in the corner of the crib, and the same blanket he's had since birth layed over him. He was kicking his feet up and giggling as I put the blanket over him. It melted my heart. He reminds me daily of God's love. How sweet and precious, forgiving, unconditional. It's the little things in life that mean the most, right? I think so. They both remind me of the sun, the flowers, bubbles, the little roley poly's, sweet cuddles, TIME, etc. They help me to slowwww down and enjoy a good hug, laying in the grass, photography... Oh speaking of photography, I LOVE photography and am blessed with an incredible Canon camera here at work and two amazing kiddos that I get to capture as often as I would like. I love surprising Debra with awesome pictures! They have the sweetest little faces. I hope you are reminded of the little things that mean the most!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I was particularly aggravated this morning as I was driving to work. I take back roads to avoid Dallas city traffic which means I hit red lights... It takes 1/4 of the time, so no big deal! The most irritating thing that happens while I am driving is when careless drivers do NOT use their BLINKER! Ahh! Does this make anyone else want to spray their pepper spray into the person's car? Ok dramatic, sure, and I obviously would never do that but it does send me through the roof. I have to remind myself of what Christ would do...How hard is it to use your PINKIE and push the blinker, that isn't even out of reach, down or up? I was cut off several times this morning and almost wrecked. I am very good about road rage, 99.5% calm, until this happens. Sometimes it happens so quickly that honking is pointless and then you're sitting next to the person through each light. Maybe I will just roll my window down, while sitting next to them, and ask if it works or not? Or maybe I will carry a poster size sign that reads: USE YOUR BLINKER and I'll hold it up after I honk and they give the look like "what are you honking for jerk?!" To me it's like walking through the mall, cutting someone off and walking 1 foot in front of them without saying "excuse me". It's just not nice. (you're thinking "neither is spraying pepper spray into their car psycho") I know... Ok, whew, I feel better. I guess I am just the type of person that wants to get out and go apologize after accidentally doing something on the road. I love being friendly and using manners :). With all of that said, when you get in your car today think about this and USE. YOUR. BLINKER. :)
Thanks, from all of us careful and considerate citizens.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Engagements and Weddings

This is such an exciting time in our lives! Some of our dearest friends are getting married! Tim and Jacqui will become husband and wife on May 16th, 2009! I have told her the same things everyone told me "You'll blink and be in your dress, walking down the aisle, before you know it!"..."It will be here before you know it!" It is definitely easier to say now rather than hearing it then! I am sure it is going in one ear and out the other! (as it should ha ha) It definitely did for me! I just wanted to be MARRIED!

I couldn't be more excited for Jacq. She and I (Amber) have been great friends since our Freshman year of highschool in GOLF. Oh what memories we had...anyone who knows us well enough has heard our squirrel imitations and that was what kept us going through some of the worst wintry, cold, wet, days on the courses. It is still often heard. As the years went by Jacqui, Erica, Megan, and I decided to have a Bible study in Jacq's basement every Monday night. We took turns weekly choosing scripture and a song to fit. None of us will ever forget those Monday nights. We laughed, cried, ate, prayed, worshiped, learned, and most importantly layed the foundation for an incredible sisterhood that becomes stronger by the day. "Those who pray together, stay together". Jacq is a beautiful woman who loves God, her family, and her friends. I was so honored to have Jacqui stand at the alter with me as I became Dylan's wife. She is going to be a gorgeous bride and now I am so honored to stand with her as she becomes Tim's wife! It will be a glorious day! I know it couldn't come any quicker, Jacq, but hang in there, "before you know it you'll be married with a pup looking back at that beautiful day"! I love you darling!

more to come about Megan and Julius....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Child Advocate

People blow my mind. I have driven too many times on dangerous roads next to people with children on their laps, not buckled into car seats, bouncing around the backseat etc. It makes me SO angry!! This post is clearly me venting. I do not understand what is going through these people's minds as they're putting these baby's life in jeopardy. I was driving after work one day and witnessed a 5 year old, or so, climbing in the front seat, drawing on paper on the dashboard... I could not help myself but to pull up beside this man (the boy turns to me as I am waving my hands) get his attention, pull my seat belt, and give him the hint to buckle this poor child up!! (it worked) How hard is that??? Ugh! Am I crazy? Am I overreacting? I don't think so. Another time I pulled up to a red light and in rush hour traffic, witnessed a family in a truck with a toddler in the front seat on the lady's lap. Again, show the child you love them and put them in a car seat. You can snuggle later. One more incident, and I'll stop, a lady was driving in our outdoor mall parking lot where we live with a BABY ON HER LAP!!!!!! I could have ran over to her car, pulled that baby right out, and called the police. I was ANGRY! Dylan happened to be walking towards me, as the car was passing him, I yelled "Wave at her!!!! Her baby is in her LAP!" He saw her but was too late. I guess I just do not understand. Selfish, selfish, selfish. If the airbag deployed that baby could die! THINK PEOPLE! Maybe I should stop being so surprised. OK, I must go, time to head to work. (and police the roads)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Welcome to our blog! This is a great way to keep our friends and family updated on the newest changes in our lives. We already feel as though the first five months of marriage have flown by and so much has happend.

Our wedding was wonderful. The ceremony was exactly what I imagined it being like. We had sixteen of our closest friends in our bridal party, three flower girls, and one junior bridesmaid. They were all amazing! We had a very special guest, Richie McDonald (former lead singer of the country band Lonestar) there to sing "Your Love is Extravagant" -Casting Crowns during the lighting of our Unity candle and communion. I have known Richie for ten years and felt so honored to have him sing for us on our very special day. I was so calm during the entire ceremony. I remember feeling my shoulders relaxed, smiling/crying, and so peaceful. (it was the touch of his hand, i'm convinced) There was nothing like having my dad walk me down the aisle, lift my veil, and see those big crocodile tears pour down his face. It was all so beautiful.

The reception was fun...lots of visiting, dancing, sweet speeches... My dad and I danced to "Cinderella"- Steven Curtis Chapman and Dylan danced with his mom to "My Boy"- Elvis Presley. Out first dance was to "Amazed" performed by Richie. (that was so neat for us, one of his hit songs) We left through an aisle of sparklers and headed to the Nylo Hotel in Plano, Tx. The exit was perfect, "4th of July" -Shooter Jennings (Engaged on the 4th, very fitting) . There were several bags packed for us from Elizabeth (my flower girl's mom/like a second mom) full of snacks, drinks, and special things for our honeymoon!

Our honeymoon was at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun, Mexico! It was all inclusive, gorgeous, and so romantic! It was all SO perfect! We stayed there for 8 days and were ready to return home and be newly weds in the real world.

Shortly after we returned, we got our first puppy Lucy. She was 5.5 lbs, tiny little furball. She is an Akita, similar to a Husky. We love her more than anything! She is now 16 weeks old and is 35 lbs. She could weigh anywhere from 80-100 lbs when she is full grown. We love taking her on walks and introducing her to new friends.

Dylan's job changed, he was hired in to inspect the jails in the county before the final state inspection. His days off and hours changed, thankfully, and is now Monday- Friday 7am-3:30pm, holidays off. Whew. God had this planned and changed our lives for sure. He is now waiting for the next testing to become a Deputy for the Dallas County Sheriff's Dept. I have peace about this and support him 110%! I have always been nervous about the idea, but we both recently really felt peaceful and optimistic about it. I am planning on finishing school asap and becoming an Elementary School teacher. I also want to get my Masters at Dallas Theological Seminary in the future. Teaching and Youth Ministry have always weighed heavy on my heart. These next couple of years will be full of exciting moments!